While celebrating 20 years of restoring, protecting and preserving the wild that is Zuka Private Game Reserve, Tara and Jessica created Getty Asterism.

At this stage, our first 20 years of rewilding, conservation and preservation had shown us the possibilities of wilderness restoration. Throughout this time, we attracted some passionate individuals and by formalising this growing team, with their extraordinary discoveries across the reserve, we created Getty Asterism as a multifaceted ecology venture.

Getty Asterism, as an alchemy of Zuka Private Game Reserve, research, scientists, opportunities, solutions and a platform is dedicated to research opportunities for students, to craft formal scientific projects, for ecological innovations and partnerships and to be the heart of the interrelated areas of land, wildlife and humanity on Zuka Private Game Reserve.

This fully funded vehicle and unique department gives the opportunity to individuals to settle into the reserve, work on ideas, make discoveries, innovate and sensitively apply solutions, and for us to expand the integrated conservation model that is Zuka Private Game Reserve. This freedom and innovation could mean that our impact evolves and ripples outwards to be significant in the future.

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